Kemppi is known as a pioneering company within the welding industry. It develops innovative end-to-end welding solutions which make their customers win more business.
UnSeen Labs provided more understanding for a new product idea’s feasibility and how it could be implemented. Kemppi is now more confident on what is needed to make the idea a reality.
The challenge: feasibility of a new development idea
Kemppi sales team had come up with a new feature idea how to improve the welding products. The solution needed deep understanding on Bluetooth hardware, software and mobile application platforms.
The R&D team had studied the idea and they wanted to have an external view on the feasibility and potential ways to solve the challenge.
The solution
Kemppi does a lot of hardware and software development internally, but to get a wider view on the implementation options, UnSeen Labs was chosen as the way forward. It was seen as an agile and effective way to progress with the idea on the table. UnSeen has demonstrated strong experience in wireless connectivity and software development.
UnSeen Labs projects are run in agile philosophy and the main objectives are to speed up the learning and give fast answers on new technology ideas.
“The project was very straightforward for us – We just defined the challenge and after initial analysis UnSeen came up with very professional and creative ways to study the challenge”, says Rami Sivonen, Technology Manager at Kemppi

In the project, UnSeen team scanned through the available hardware and software platform capabilities and came up with options how the solution could be implemented. Based on the proposal, experts created a concrete proof-of-concept software to investigate the feasibility of the idea. As an outcome, UnSeen outlined the potential tracks forward with the implementation.
The results: clear path forward with the idea
As the result of the work, Kemppi R&D has now more understanding what is needed to implement the idea in the products. It is much easier to discuss on the needed investments with the sales team.
“The clear benefit of UnSeen Labs is that it speeds up your company innovation and R&D process. You are able to test new technology ideas very fast and agile way”, says Rami Sivonen from Kemppi.
“UnSeen Labs is great tool take new ideas further and get better understanding how they could be implemented. Now we are more confident what are the next steps forward with the idea “, Sivonen continues.
Kemppi is known on their range of welding products. The worldwide portfolio of welding solutions covers intelligent equipment, welding management software and expert services – for both demanding industrial applications and ready-to-weld needs.